Physical Benefits
Strength, flexibility and balance
Lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Lower blood pressure and blood sugar, increases blood flow
Reduce insomnia, helps sleep deeper
Increased flexibility
Increased muscle strength and tone
Better bone health, Protects spine
Improved respiration, energy and vitality
Maintaining a balanced metabolism
Weight reduction
Cardio and circulatory health
Improved athletic performance
Protection from injury
Regulates adrenal glands
Boosts the immune system
Prevents IBS
Mental Benefits
Clarity, sharpening concentration, self-awareness, managing stress
Increases body awareness
Relieves stress
Reduces muscle tension, strain, inflammation
Improves attention and concentration
Calms and centers the nervous system
Increases will-power
Improves the relationship with others
Improves self control
Increases the awarness of present moment and mindfulness
Increases self-awarness/confidence/discipline
Provides "Me" time
Reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression
Gives you peace of mind
Helps keep drug free
Emotional Benefits
Calmness, positive outlook, relaxation
Improved mood
Anger control
Makes happier
Spiritual awareness
Ability to manifest positive experiences
Developing a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves (Nature, the Universe or some other expression of the divine)
Fosters a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation
Stimulates the energy level
Leads to contentment, compassion and kindness
Creates a positive connection with others and the world